Tuesday, May 25, 2010


1. I think that it just grew too much for that amout of space to contain it so it just rapidly kept expanding. I guess kind if like a baby it eventually has to come out of there mothers whomb because it gets to big.
2.I think it would be kind of like a time machine and it would be really fast almost like nothing had ever happened. Then I would just arrive in a alternate universe
3.I think the same thing would happen to me in a worm hole as a black hole because iIthink that black holes are sort of like a portal to worm holes


1. Gravitational microlensing, transit method, astronomic measurement and, doppler shift.
2. I think that the doppler shift makes the most sense because it use the light that the stars make when they move +& stars are constantly moving.
3.The goldilocks zone theory basically syates that it has all of the component for supporting life
4.I think it would be kinda like a human but may just speak a different language and they would probably be stronger than us because of the gravity difference.
5.I dont disaagree that aliens could exist because, of places like 581c. I think it is possible untill proven wrong. Or maybe even right. We humans think so selfishly we think that can be the only living things in this universe. But yes, I guess after saying all of that I think I do belive in aliens


1. Milky Way-
The Milky Way galaxy is the galaxy we live on. It is a spiral galaxy. It is almost 13 billion years old. Thant is almost as old as the universe.
2. Blackholes-
Blackholes are formed by first originaly being stars. The stars go through a whole process befor becoming blackholes. A blackhole can destroy our whole solar system. It also doest even have to be that big. Maybe, even the size of a golf ball
3.Dwarf Planets-
Dwarf planets are full grown planets but never grow as big as the regular planets. They cvould have been mistaken for planetesimal. Well not anymore because all of our planetesimals have turned into planets. Pluto is also a dwarf planet.
4.Red Giants-
Red giants happen when stars become weak. Red giants are hotter than the sun. They are also a hundered times bigger than the sun. Red giants fuse hydrogen out side of there cores.
Pluto is a dwarf planet. It is the 2nd largest dwarf planet.It is the largest member of the kuiper belt.Pluto has a moon named Charon. Pluto also has 2 other smaller moons named Nix and Hydra.